Cumarsáid‘Cumarsáid’ is a Gaelic feminine noun that translates to ‘communication’. A noun to reinforce our core culture and our discipline of engineering. Cumarsáid represents what we do and who we are:
| TriquetraCeltic Trinity Knot are complete loops that have no start or finish and are said to represent both eternity and balance. The Celtic symbol for the trinity has a myriad of symbolic meanings. For Cumarsáid, it will represent and be a constant reminder of:
The Cumarsáid’s many meanings for our Trinity are:
When all these trinity meanings are linked and integrated together, this is our culture. This is Cumarsáid. |
To be Australia and New Zealand’s leading and trusted Technology practice.
Providing support to the APAC and ASEAN regions.
Cumarsáid’s mission is to engineer and deliver the 3rd industrial revolution, utilising subject matter experts (SMEs), project managers, and leading engineers to inform, create and deliver solutions that solves problems; assisting Clients to improve their business.
Cumarsáid wants to motivate and encourage our people to achieve their own professional fulfilment. Maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which respects diversity, new ideas and hard work.
Cumarsáid wants to support and maintain an environment that supports family life, diversity and acceptance.
The most important core attributes for our firm is: